When I asked someone what Burlesque is, they simply said: "I'll tell you when you are older." I can't speak for anyone else but ever since I turned 13 or so I knew that meant it would be something to see. It seems to me like there is no reason not to see... well, if you are a nun or a priest I hope that's a good enough reason... at the very least I think it should be fun. But would it be worth the $8 a seat/stand or $60.00 for a booth? Keep reading...
So then I went on the internet and googled "Burlesque" (with
moderate "safesearch" on). Thank God for google because I feel like I now have a better understanding. Burlesque is, as far as I can tell, a comedic sort of performance with musical accompaniment... the catch? Beautiful women and scant apparel.
I must apologize at this point in the conversation, sorry Leonardo, Michelangelo, Degas, Berlioz, Van Gogh, Mozart, Beethoven, Hemingway, John Lennon and Bill Clinton (all artists or musicians or writers of some kind) but I am convinced. Burlesque is already, in my mind the pinnacle of all artforms. I've played Jazz, Classical, Rock, Funk, Ska trombone for ten years and I'm sorry to say that this may be my new greatest infatuation. I cannot wait for Saturday! I might even want to write stageplays for this troupe if I find it to be all that I am dreaming.
Comedy... Check! Music... Check! Beer/OtherAlcoholicBeverages... Check! And the beautiful women? Well... Check! Czech! Check! Czech-Republic-and-a-Rushin'-Belorussian-Check!